Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Opposite of Hallelujah by Anna Jarzad

Amazon / Goodreads

 Blurb via Goodreads-
"Caro Mitchell considers herself an only child—and she likes it that way. After all, her much older sister, Hannah, left home eight years ago, and Caro barely remembers her. So when Caro’s parents drop the bombshell news that Hannah is returning to live with them, Caro feels as if an interloper is crashing her family. To her, Hannah’s a total stranger, someone who haunts their home with her meek and withdrawn presence, and who refuses to talk about her life and why she went away. Caro can’t understand why her parents cut her sister so much slack, and why they’re not pushing for answers.

Unable to understand Hannah, Caro resorts to telling lies about her mysterious reappearance. But when those lies alienate Caro’s new boyfriend and put her on the outs with her friends and her parents, she seeks solace from an unexpected source. And when she unearths a clue about Hannah’s past—one that could save Hannah from the dark secret that possesses her—Caro begins to see her sister in a whole new light."

I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I was slightly concerned that the religious aspect would be overwhelming or "preachy" but it wasn't. The Opposite of Hallelujah is focuses on family relationships and their struggles. Caro isn't a very likeable character at first, but that made the book more interesting. I thought this was a wonderful story and well thought of. The only thing that bugged me was that we never found out what was written in a certain letter.... I wont go into details about what I mean by that thought :)

Great read, recommend to YA and older.   4 out of 5 stars

Special Thanks to Random House Children's Books, Delacorte BFYR and NetGalley for providing an e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

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