Sunday, February 12, 2012

Miss World by Randi Black

Miss World by Randi Black is a about Kim, a chubby 16 year old who loves Kurt Cobain, Doc martins, and wants to become a musician like her idol. Set in the early/mid '90's, we learn about Kim's life, her emotionally abusive parents and her self esteem issues.

OK, I just have to say right away- I LOVE this beautiful and heartbreaking book!! This is the first book in a LONG time that I was truly upset when it ended. I want more. I don't know if its the fact that I was a teenager in the 90's, i wore Doc Martins, blackberry lipstick, listened to Nirvana, Hole, grunge and punk (I was more of a Misfits fan than anything) etc.. was in the "freak" crowd or the fact I had major self esteem issues with my weight so much that I completely understand from experience what Kim went through in regards to boys (yeah I'm calling them boys..Kevin was grown up boy!) Luckily I did not have emotionally abusive parents and my home life was MUCH better!

I read Miss World in one sitting. This isn't a cookie cutter fluffy contemporary YA book, this is a blunt and unfortunately realistic look into a teenage life. I highly recommend this to anyone however due to the sexual content I would recommend this to the mature YA crowd or older.
Miss World needs to be read!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for your review! I'm truly glad to hear that you connected with Miss World - it's always great to meet someone who has.

Please keep in touch!
