Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hanging By A Thread by Sophie Littlefield

Amazon / Goodreads

Hanging By A Thread by Sophie Littlefield is about a teenage girl named Clare. Upon moving back to her familys' home town of Winston, California, Clare discovers that Winston isnt a picture perfect town anymore. The past two Forth of July's had been heatbreaking for the town, two children vanished, leaving no leads or suspects. Clare has been blessed (or cursed) with an unusal gift. The ability to see a person's past when touching their clothes. Being that Clare has a love for redesigning vintage clothing, she comes across an article of clothing that just might help solve the mystery

Hanging By A Thread was a quick read. In all honesty, I give it the "Ehhh...Okay" rating. It wasnt bad, the writing was good, the characters where ..okay, the romance ..eh okay too. The concept of the book was very interesting. I was able to read it all they way through and not lose interest, but it just didnt wow me.  I do recommend Hanging By A Thread to any YA readers looking for a mystery.

Overall I rate Hanging By A Thread     3 out of  5  stars

Special Thanks to NetGalley, Random House Children's Books, and Delacorte BFYR for providing an e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

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