Monday, June 4, 2012

Putting Boys On The Ledge by Stephanie Rowe

Amazon / Goodreads

Putting Boys on the Ledge is about 14 year old freshman Blueberry Walker (a.k.a. Blue) and her three friends who are just getting into the dating world. When Blue tries out for her high school musical she meets the handsome senior, Heath.

Putting Boys on the Ledge was a cute fluffy quick read. I guess I am getting old because I was bothered by the age difference. I think Blue and her friends should have dated boys more there age, however I guess I have no room to say anything because I always went for the older guy!   I liked Blue's hippy parents but what I didn't get was that she had siblings with normal/non-fruit related names. Putting Boys on the Ledge is definitely written for the younger teen, however I would have liked to have some sort of "don't grow up too fast/enjoy being a kid" message.Oh, how I wish I could be 14 again! The other characters were fun and the story was written well.

Over all I enjoyed Putting Boys on the Ledge, it was cute and I'd read more in the series.

4 out of 5 stars.

Special Thanks to TKA Distribution and NetGalley for providing an e-galley in exchange for an honest review.


Shane @ItchingforBooks said...

I saw this book somewhere else a while a go and have been looking for it since, thanks for reminding me of the title.

TayteH said...

Okay? Blueberry? Yeah, what's with no other fruit/color related siblings' names. Odd, but it sounds good. :D